Impact and the Factors Affecting Recruitment and Selection

Recruitment and selection process are important practices for human resource management, and are crucial in affecting organizational success (Jovanovic 2004). Some of the processes in selection include screening applications and resumes, testing and reviewing work samples, interviewing, checking references and background. Organizations use these processes to increase the likelihood of hiring individuals who possess the right skills and abilities to be successful at their jobs (Walker 2009). The recruitment and selection are the major function of the human resource department and recruitment process is the first step towards creating the competitive strength and the recruitment strategic advantage for the organizations, (Phillips 1998).

Direct relationship between recruitment process and employee qualities and competencies and found that effective recruitment results in obtaining employees with high quality and who is competent. In general, right people need to be hired as the performance of a business relates directly to the people working within it, meaning that the right people should be hired to ensure organizational success (Henry & Temtime, 2009). Leopold (2002), states further that the first step of recruitment is to put forward a job analysis which is important for both the organization and the candidates. If a job is not needed in an organization, the recruitment and selection of a candidate is not necessary. Recruitment process involves a systematic procedure from sourcing the candidates to arranging and conducting the interviews and requires many resources and time, Sisson (l994).

Acording to Gary (2000), the following facts directly impact the recruitment process. Help increase the success rate of selection process by decreasing the number of visibly underqualified or overqualified job applicants, Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost, Create a talent pool of candidates to enable the selection of best candidates for the organization, Attract and encourage more and more candidates to apply in the organization, Recruitment is the process which links the employers with the employees, Determine present and future requirements of the organization in conjunction with its personnel planning and job analysis activities, and Help reduce the probability that job applicants once recruited and selected will leave the organization only after a short period of time. Others according to him are; Meet the organizations legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its workforce.

Recruitment and selection are central and crucial to the successful functioning of the organization as it depends on finding people with the necessary skills, expertise and qualifications to deliver the organization’s strategic objectives and the ability to make a positive contribution to the values and aims of the organization (Sisson 1994).

The factors affecting recruitment and selection are organized into the internal and the external categories (Gomathy 2022).

1.      Internal Factors

Size of the Organization - The size of the organization is one of the most important factors affecting the recruitment process. To develop a business, recruitment planning is mandatory for hiring more resources, which will be crucial in the management of future operations (Gomathy 2022).

Image of Jobs - Jobs having good image in terms of better remuneration, working condition, promotion, career development opportunities etc can attract potential and qualified candidates to a large extent (Makkar and Singh 2021).

Recruiting Policy - The recruitment policy of the firm also affects the recruitment process. This policy is concerned with candidates from outside the organization, whereas others want to recruit from internal sources (Makkar and Singh 2021).


2.      External Factors

Unemployment rate – If the unemployment rate is high in a specific area, the hiring of human resources will be simple and manageable, as there will be an increase in the number of applicants. For various job positions in all types of organizations, a large number of applications are received. In contrast, if the unemployment rate is low, then recruiting tends to be difficult due to the lesser number of resources (Gomathy 2022).

Demographic factors - Demography is the study of the human population in terms of age, sex, occupation, religion, composition, ethnicity, etc. Demographic factors have a profound influence on the recruitment process (Makkar and Singh 2021).

Labour laws – Labour laws reflect the social and political environment of the market, which are created by the central and the state governments. These laws dictate the compensation, working environment, safety and health regulations, and the job duties of the workforce, for different types of employment. As governments undergo transformations, there are transformations that come about in the labour laws (Gomathy 2022).

Legal considerations – Legal considerations with regard to employment provisions for underprivileged castes etc. will have a positive impact on the recruitment policy of the organization (Makkar and Singh 2021).

Equal Opportunity – When recruitment and selection of employees take place, then it is vital to take into consideration, equal employment opportunities for the individuals. Equal opportunity results when all the applicants are treated on an equal basis and consistently at every stage of recruitment (Gomathy 2022).

When an organization wants to hire a new employee, it must take into account both internal and external elements, and the applicant must be aware of these requirements. When it comes to obtaining a new work on the employee side and giving a job from the organization side, the recruitment and selection process is vital.

List of References

1.      Gary Dessler, (2000), Human Resource Management, Prentice Hall Incorporated, Sth Edition, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey

2.      Gomathy, C.K., Sreekanth, A.S. and Ramaseshacharyulu, A.L. (2022) Overview of Recruitment and Selection Process in HRM, 06(03).

3.      Henry, O., & Temtime, Z. (2009). Recruitment and selection practices in SMEs: Empirical evidence from a developing country perspective. Advances in Management, 3(2), 52- 58

4.      Jovanovic, Boyan (2004), Selection and the Evolution of Industry. Econometrica, 50(3): 649-670.

5.      Leopold John, (2002): Human Resources in Organizations: Financial Times Press.

6.      Makkar, S. and Singh, A.K. (2021) Factors affecting recruitment Module Tag COM_P9_M14.

7.      Phillips, J. M. (1998). Effects of realistic job previews on multiple organizational

8.      Sisson Keith, (1994), Personnel Management, Blackwell, 2nd Edition.

9.      Walker, James. 2009. Human Resource Planning. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., P95.


  1. Very informative. Gomathy (2022) also mentioned that One of the factors affecting recruitment and selection as competitors. Competitors When governments in the same industry compete for the finest capable resources, it is necessary to evaluate the competition and give the greatest resource packages in terms of industry values.

    1. Thank you Perera. Also, If you don't need to constantly replace people, you will save time and money on the recruiting and training of new candidates. Understand that downtime could negatively affect your business revenues if you become short-staffed; keeping turnover low is important. There are costs and time spent putting out job ads, interviews and training new people. Taking the time to choose properly the first time helps mitigate this (Leonard 2019).

  2. Very Informative. Additionally, I would like to emphasize on Developing Recruitment strategies. When developing any recruitment Strategy, it is important to identify the Key motivating factors for individuals in the target industry. The factors may defer based on the industry and the knowledge and skill set required in an individual. (Susan E. Jackson, Michael A. Hitt, Angelo S. Denisi, 2003)

    1. Thank your for the feedback Zameera. When looking for the perfect fit for an open role at your company, there are several different recruitment strategies one can employ. One of the most effective methods for finding employees that will thrive at their role and serve as a positive addition to your company culture is to use a targeted search. Essentially, a targeted recruitment strategy involves narrowing down advertising efforts for a job opening to attract a group of people with specific experience levels, skill sets, personality traits, and other qualities (Laura 2021).

  3. I agree with you. Recruitment and selection comprise a central part of a company’s overall resourcing strategies, which secures the human resources needed for an organization to survive in the medium term (Elwood & James, 1996). Moreover, there is an optimistic and significant rapport between recruitment and selection and the performance of a firm. Sang (2005) also found a positive correlation between recruitment and selection and business performance. Ichniowski and Shaw (1999), Katou and Budhwar (2006), and Wright et al.

    1. Thank yo for your comment Thilini. Recruitment and selection are regarded as essential aspects in functioning of the organization. The organization needs to ensure right individuals are selected in the right positions at the right time. Furthermore, it needs to be ensured that they possess the essential educational qualifications, competencies and abilities to carry out their job duties in a well-organised manner (Radhika 2020).

  4. Supper article Manodya, also building recruitment strategies to increase the predictability of the right applicant is key (Viswesvaran 2001) because applicants trying to fake their personalities and resumes to get selected in the interview process Morgeson et al, 2007 ) is common these days.


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