
Recently there has been a significant increase in use of internet to recruit and select people has grown (Hopkins &Markham 2003). Various research evidence show that online recruitment have become an easy way to save cost and valuable time for firms (Hart, Doherty & Ellis Chadwick 2000).

E-Recruitment or online recruitment is the process of recruiting personnel through online that helped organizations to reach large number of workforce and to identify the skilled personnel easily with the use of technology and web-based resources (Lakshmi 2013). Companies are using their own websites and use social media as a platform to advertise their vacancies to public to attract and select the candidates (Kammari 2019). A simple definition for e-recruiting is defined as, is the online attraction and identification of potential employees using corporate or commercial recruiting websites, electronic advertisements on other websites, or an arbitrary combination of these channels including optional methods such as remote interviews and assessments, smart online search agents or interactive communication tools between recruiter and applicant (Galanaki 2002).

There are two forms of online recruiters that can be categorized as corporate recruiters and third-party recruiters. The difference between these two categories is that in third party recruiting, jobs are not limited like corporate recruiters (Tong & Shivanand 2005). Online recruitment is also effective in terms of performing talent management process (Burbach & Royle 2010).

It is identified that around 60% increase in online recruitment was recorded in 1999 by Electronic Recruiting Index (Gravili, 2003).

Impact of E-Recruitment on the Organization

Applicant Ranking: Athansios and Tzimas (2012) has mentioned that each criterion has a different weight in the candidate rank according to the requirements of the job position. Khan et al. (2013) states that internet is the most preferred source to search the jobs and applicant’s ranking of job significantly influenced the intention to purse the position applied by the job seeker. Majority of the respondent preferred e-recruitment advantages of quality of applicants, wider applicant’s choice, time and cost reduction (Nasreem et al. 2016).

Corporate websites: Candidates can apply online on corporate websites, adding themselves to the company’s database (Tyagi 2012). According to Ahlawat and Sangeeta (2016), corporate websites are the virtual mediums that represent the information about the company often including HR information and application for jobs. Further, Fred and Kinange (2016) has stated that organizational websites have become an increasingly common phenomenon due to rising cost and inflexibility of other recruitment methods.

New ideas and Innovativeness: In the era of globalization, the recruitment policy is flexible and proactive due to the new ideas and innovativeness (Tyagi 2012). Electronic revolution and globalization changed the life of people living in the current epoch and e-recruitment has been adopted at global level (Khan et al. 2013). Due to the E-Recruitment process organizations eventually find various types of new ideas and innovations since the community phase is wider than before.

Better-quality standardization and agreement: Smith and Rupp (2004) studied that organization formed a well-implemented e-recruitment program to find better quality candidates and improve hiring decisions, all in less time and at a lower cost. Jobvite (2012) highlighted those recruiters who implemented online recruiting found an increase in the quantity of candidates, and noted rise in the quality of candidates. Quality in this context would mean that the qualifications, experience and overall suitability of the candidates matched the job specification closely.


Impact of E-Recruitment on the Employees

Impact on employee’s satisfaction: Employees automatically be satisfied since they don’t have to spend time buying newspapers and searching for job offers. Galanki (2002) established the connection between the employee’s satisfaction and online recruitment practices. Bodea (2003) examined effects of usability that perceptions of online system usability are positively related to employee’s satisfaction with online recruitment and time spent using the system. Sylva (2009) in research done on Online Application System found that features of the website, perceived efficiency and user-friendliness, were by far the most important determinants of applicant satisfaction.

Impact on performance of the employees: E-recruitment emerges as a handy and advantageous method over traditional methods of recruitment. According to the authors, advancement of technology and approaches facilitates the processes and operations of companies and enhance their performances (Tong and Sivanand 2005). Plessis and Frederick (2012) suggested that efforts should be made to allocate the funds to measure the performance e-based systems. Babalola et al. (2015) found that erecruitment significantly influenced organizational performance in terms of saving cost and time management.

Better chance of success: Bizer and Rainer (2005) found that many companies use online recruitment system to hire the employees for the better chance of success. This statement can be verified because of the 365days to 24h employees can access the internet.

Impact on employee’s perception: Traditional process of recruitment should be changed by the recruitment. Employees develop their professional skills with the use of e-recruitment. The process of recruiting has changed extremely by using the internet. It is progressively being used by both large and small organizations. Therefore, e-recruitment and attraction of the employees at workplace is good (Rathee and Bhuntel 2017). Recruitment sources and employee’s perceptions effect strongly and positively on intention to pursue the position applied for the job (Khan et al. 2013). Rakholiya (2013) found that applicant’s perception is positive towards e-recruitment.

Ease of use: E-recruitment provides better job opportunities and multiple methods to obtain the jobs on internet resulting in ease of use. The ease to use system is likely to be responsible for the rapid growth of the e-recruitment as jobseekers only need to post their resume to the websites (Rathee and Bhuntel 2017). Rakholiya and Gupta (2013) found that interaction with e-recruitment sites is perceived easy to use, clear and understandable.

Case example for E-Recruiting

Tesco is the grocery retailer of UK that follows online recruitment (Tesco Careers, 2011). The company follows its company website for recruitment and selection process. Tesco uses its company website for external recruitment to fill the managerial positions. Tesco uses internet to fulfil the vacant posts of harder to fill jobs for example, pharmacists and bakers. This data reflects the effectiveness of online recruitment and selection for Tesco.

List of References

1.      Ahlawat, R., & Sangeeta. (2016). E-recruitment: Transforming trends of recruitment in Human resource management, Global journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 3(1), 21–25

2.      Athanasios. F.E. & Tzimas. G.T. (2012). An integrated erecruitment system for automated personality mining and applicant ranking, Internet research, 22(5),551- 568.https://doi.org/10.1108/10662241211271545

3.      Babalola, D.Y., Oyeniyi, K.O, & Adeyemi, M.A, (2015). Empirical study on the relationship between electronic recruitment and Organizational performance: evidence from Nigeria manufacturing companies, International Journal in Management and Social Science, 3(4), 379-389.

4.      Bodea, C., Bodea, V., & Zsolt, M. (2003). Human Resource Management in the Internet Age: e-Recruitment and eSelection Methods, Economy Informatics, 3(3), 5–7.

5.      Burbach, R & Royle, T. (2010). Talent on demand Talent management in the German and Irish subsidiaries of a US multinational corporation.

6.      Fred, M.O., & Kinange, U. M. (2016). Effectiveness of ERecruitment in Organization Development, Management and economic Journal, 1(5), 272–282. https://doi.org/10.18535/mej.1024

7.      Galanaki, E. (2002). The Decision to Recruit Online: A Descriptive Study. Career Development International, 7, 243- 251.

8.      Gravili, G. (Automan 2003). Electronic Recruiting: Trends in the Italian Market. EBS Review, 132- 142.

9.      Hart, C., Doherty, N & Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2000). Retailer adoption of the Internet Implications for retail marketing. European Journal of Marketing, 34(8), 954-974.

10.  Hopkins, B &Markham, J. (2003). E-HR: using intranets to improve the effectiveness of your people. Gower Publishing, Ltd.

11.  Khan, R., Awang, M., Ghouri, A.M. (2013). Impact of erecruitment and job-seekers perception on intention to pursue the jobs, Management & Marketing, 9(1), 47-57.

12.   Lakshmi S.L. (2013) E-Recruitment: A boom to the organizations in the competitive world” IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM) e-ISSN: 2278-487X, p-ISSN: 2319-7668, PP 25-28

13.  Nasreem, S., Hussan, M., & Khan, T.A. (2016). Effectiveness of e-recruitment in small and medium enterprises of IT industry of Lahore (Pakistan), Pakistan Economic and Social Review, 54(1), 143–164.

14.  Rakholiya, N. & Gupta, C. (2013) A studies on the Applicant’s Perception towards E-recruitment, International Multidisciplinary Journal of Applied Research, 1(1), 50–53.

15.  Rathee, R. and Bhuntel, R. (2017) Benefits, Challenges and Impact of e-Recruitment  

16.  Smith, A.D. and Rupp, W.T. (2004).Managerial challenges of e-recruiting: extending the life cycle of new economy employees, Online Information Review, 28(1), 61-74.

17.  Sylva, H., &Mol, S.T. (2009). E-recruitment: A study into applicant perceptions of an online application system, international journal of selection and assessment, 17(3), 311-323.

18.  Tesco Careers. (2011). Retrieved February 4, 2011, from http://www.tescocareers.com/home/aboutus

19.  Tong, D.Y.K. & Sivanand, C.N. (2005). E-recruitment service providers review: International and Malaysian. Employee Relations, 27(1), 103-117

20.  Tyagi, A. (2012). Effective talent acquisition through erecruitment: A study, International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, 2(3), 302-312.

21.  Vani, K.V. (2019), A Study on E-Recruitment, JES Vol 10, Issue 12, DEC/2019 ISSN NO:0377-9254


  1. Agreed & furthermore, One of the primary benefits of E-recruiting is the ability to reach a large number of qualified candidates at a low cost (Gueutal et al., 2005; Stone et al., 2005). E-recruitment allows you to reach applicants wherever they are using their mobile devices. According to a recent survey, 68% of active job seekers use their mobile phones to search for jobs at least once a week (Glassdoor, 2013) (Lievens & Chapman, 2019)

    1. Thank you for your comment Farhan. Sourcing is the process of searching for qualified job candidates for a current or pending position in the company. In order to recruit candidates efficiently, it becomes important to know where the pool of interested candidates lies. Which is why, using social media for sourcing and attracting potential candidates is one of the most common methods used for online recruitment. Social media is an effective tool for building employer brands and hiring potential candidates (Khanna 2021).

  2. Agreed with you Manodya. And furthermore I would like to add that traditional methods should not be replaced by the e-recruitment, it should supplement. The loopholes of e-recruitment can be covered by the traditional methods and recruitment process will be faster, global due to e-recruitment. One method should not replace the other. While other methods like campus interview, internal search has a personal touch. But receiving application in hand, communicating with candidates becomes time consuming without internet. Job Portals are the most popular and widely used tool by companies and recruitment teams to facilitate the smooth flow of recruitment process in the competitive world. Job Portals provide a platform for the employers to meet the prospective employees (Kapshe, Patil & Patil, 2012)

    1. Such a nice and interesting comment you have given Manula. For some roles, companies perceive that online job postings – particularly on social media – can give off the wrong image of their company. This is particularly true for executive-level roles, particularly at firms (or in industries) that have a strong corporate or professional culture. It’s not uncommon, for instance, for high-calibre firms to advertise C-level roles in reputable print publications such as The Economist or the Financial Times (Phillpott 2021).

  3. Agreed with you Manodya. according to (Avinash S. Kapse, Vishal S. Patil) 2012. One of the most successful and economical methods for hiring personnel for a company is through online recruitment. The use of online technologies to gather applicants and facilitate recruiting is known as "online recruitment," "e-recruitment," or "web-based recruitment."

    1. Thank you for the comment Dehara. E- Recruitment or online recruitment is the process of recruiting personnel through online that helped the organizations to reach large number of workforce and to identify the skilled personnel easily with the use of technology and web based resources (Lakshmi 2013).

  4. Interesting Blog post Manodya , further according to Kulkarni (2012) stated in his article about Electronic Resource Human (E-HRM) Implementation, that e-HRM is a web-based solution that takes advantage of the latest web application technology to deliver and online real-time human resource management solution. In other words, Electronic Human Resources Management (E-HRM) can be considered as a way to implement HR strategies, policies and practices in organizations through the use of web-based technology.

    1. Thank you so much Nirosha for your feedback. In order to better understand the e-HRM concept, we will first give an overview of the meaning of another term commonly used, which is the Human Resource Information System (HRIS). When it comes to the Human Resources Information System, it implies systematic procedures for collecting, storing, maintaining, updating and distributing data on human resources of the organization (Tannenbaum 1990).

  5. Agreed with you Manodya, As per Rynes(1988) ,The Recruitment interview is a collaborative process in which businesses and individuals evaluate and select each other. Despite this, most interview research has concentrated on its utility as a tool for organizational selection and screening.


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